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Chapter Philanthropy

Our chapter continues to support mental health and well-being through our philanthropy, The Jed Foundation. As Kappas, we strive to live fully and encourage others to do so as well. One way we inspire others to live fully in our local community is through GIRLS Academy. Learn more about our philanthropies and why they are so important to us below:

The Jed Foundation:

The Jed Foundation is a non-profit organization that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for teens and young adults in the United States. This is accomplished by implementing systems, programs, and policies that create a culture of caring. This caring and accepting culture protects student mental health, builds life skills, and makes it more likely that struggling students will seek help and be recognized, connected to care, and supported.

As a chapter, we feel a strong connection to The Jed Foundation as we recognize that mental health impacts everyone. We have all struggled with mental health or know someone who has. The stigma surrounding mental health makes it difficult to reach out to others when you need help or support. This lack of connection and support can make you feel isolated and alone. We strive to overcome the stigma so we are able to connect with others over our mental health and lean on each other throughout our struggles. We feel that supporting The Jed Foundation provides us with the opportunity to make a difference for those struggling with their emotional health. Our chapter continues to advocate for the mental health of our members as well as those in our community and beyond.

Sisters making cards for The Jed Foundation! 

You are not alone.

For more information see The Jed Foundation website

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, text or call 988.


GIRLS Academy:

Members of our chapter travel to a local middle school where they spend the day with a group of middle school girls working to develop leadership abilities, create a respectful peer community, and promote self esteem. These collegiate women are trained in the curriculum and will serve as role models for middle school girls. Middle school can be both a confusing and formative period for girls. Our members are able to draw on their own middle school experience to help support young girls through this time. We discuss many relevant and challenging topics in small groups of middle school girls including body image and physical and mental well-being. Through open and honest conversations, we are able to form connections. Our position as role models for these girls allows us to inspire them to live fully