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Calender of Events



Kappa's Calendar


2024- 2025


Sunday 18th: Move in Day!!

Wednesday 21st: Instruction Begins

Thursday 22 (4-6pm): Come see us at the FSL Meet and Greet! Interested in seeing the Sorority Housing Complex? Come check it out at the House Tours!

Friday 23rd(4pm): Student Involvement Fair 


Sunday 1st : Valpo Vibes 

Monday 2nd : Labor Day! 

Sunday 8th (10a-12p): Fall Bid Day! 

Saturday 21st (8-2): Day of Caring

Monday 23rd- Friday 27th- National Hazing Prevention Week

Thursday 26th (7PM)- Interested in going through Recruitment? Come experience a preview at the Sorority Recruitment Preview!


October 1-5th - This week is Homecoming Week! The week is full of fun University activities and ends with our Homecoming Football Game on Brown Field! It is also Family Weekend!

Thursday 10th- Friday 11th: Fall Break 

Sunday 13th: Our Founders Day - Celebrating over 150 years of sisterhood!

Saturday 19th: Semi Formal

Friday 25th-Saturday 26th- Kamp Kappa: Sisterhood Retreat

Thursday 31st- Halloween!!!


Wednesday 13th : Interest Event

Saturday 16th (5 pm): Volleyball Game FSL night 

Saturday 23rd- Sunday 1st  :Thanksgiving Break 


Sunday 3rd: Leadership Day for incoming officers 

Tuesday 5th (7-9pm): Friendship Bracelets, Vision Boards, and Meet the RC's in the Brown and Gold Room!

Saturday 9th: Thanksmas!

Friday 13th: End of Fall Semester!


Monday 6th : Primary Recruitment Workday

Tuesday 7th: Primary Recruitment begins!

Wednesday 8th: Classes Resume


Sunday 2nd: Sisterhood Event (Pickle Making!)

Wednesday 5th: Unity Event with Lambda Chi Alpha

Thursday 6th: Senior/ New Member Mixer

Sunday 9th: Courage to Commit and Super-bowl Unity Event with SigEp!

Monday 10th: Composites! / New Member Unity Event with Phi Psi

Tuesday 13th: Big/Little Reveal!!!

Saturday 15th: Kappa Krush <3

Monday 17th-22nd: Initiation Week


Saturday 2nd - Sunday 17th: Spring Break 

Friday 29th- Good Friday ( no classes) 


Thursday 25th: Academic Celebration (no classes)


Friday 10th- Spring Semester ends 

Saturday 11th- Commencement Ceremony 


More Dates To Come Soon! 

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